University of New Haven
Model United Nations

Aemin Becker - Class of 2018
Major: Political Science & Nat'l Security
Currently: Open Source & Economic Threat Analyst at Booz Allen Hamilton
High Impact Programs: MUN, Study Abroad, Internship, Intensive foreign language training in Kyrgyzstan

Rob Granoth - Class of 2017
Major: Political Science
Current Job: Manager of Labor Relations for Hartford Public Schools
Currently also: University of Connecticut Law School
High Impact Programs: MUN, MAC, Study Abroad England, Internship with Mayor O'Brien, PSSS Director
Jessica Sattler - Class of 2016

Major: Psychology & Forensic Psychology
Currently: Georgetown University's Masters in Public Policy Program
Future goals/aspirations: Work at a major humanitarian NGO.
High Impact Programs: MUN, Independent research and publication with Dr. Haynes, Honors Program and Thesis
Emily Nash - Class of 2016

Major: Forensic Science (Biology) and Biology (Pre-Medicine)
Current Job: Bio-technician
Quote: "I will miss the addictiveness of the adrenaline rush that happens when you are wrapped up in the middle of conference."
High Impact Programs: MUN

Connor Briggs - Class of 2015
Major: Political Science & Global Studies
Minor: History
Current Job: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington D.C.
High Impact Programs: MUN

Tori White - Class of 2017
Major: Political Science, Legal Studies
Currently: Penn State University Masters in Homeland Security
Future Aspirations: Become a lawyer
Quote: "Own it."
High Impact Programs: MUN, SURF

Joshua Lutts - Class of 2017
Major: Economics
Currently: Suffolk University Law School
Future Aspirations: Become a lawyer!
High Impact Programs: MUN, MAC

Paul Raffile - Class of 2015
Major: National Security, Criminal Justice
Current Job: National Security Analyst for Booz Allen Hamilton
Future Aspirations: Work for the UN
High Impact Programs: MUN, CJ-PSCI Co-op

Connor Vargo - Class of 2018
Major: Political Science
Current Job: Legislative Assistant for Congressman Don Beyer (VA)
Quote: Just go for it!
High Impact Programs: MUN, MAC, Study Abroad London, Washington Internship Institute

Jaimy Rippe - Class of 2018
Major: English
Minor: Political Science
Currently: Accepted a position as an international tax lawyer at RSM in New York City
Quote: Hard work pays off!
High Impact Programs: MUN, MAC, Independent Research with Dr. Haynes

Gabriela Paez - Class of 2018
Major: Legal Studies
Currently: Clerk for Arlington County Judge
Future Aspirations: Become a Lawyer!
Quote: I love MUN!!
High Impact Programs: MUN

Kevin Mathieson - Class of 2019
Major: Political Science & Natl Security
Current Job: Research Assistant, Washington Institute for Near East Policy
High Impact Programs: MUN, MAC, Intern in the Office of Mayor Rossi, Washington Internship Institute, Intern at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Study Abroad Morocco

Lizi Bowen - Class of 2019
Major: Political Science
Current Job: Communications Specialist at the Pan American Foundation
Quote: I love traveling!
High Impact Programs: MUN, MAC, Intern with the Poli Sci Department

Ellen Callahan - Class of 2017
Major: Global Studies
Minor: Political Science
Current Job: Procurement, Lockheed Martin
High Impact Programs: MUN

Karissa Wilkinson - Class of 2019
Major: Political Science
Current Job: Program Assistant Congressional Relations, US Institute of Peace
Quote: Networking counts!
High Impact Programs: MUN, Study Abroad Prato, Study Abroad India, Washington Internship Institute

Kristy Santana - Class of 2019
Major: National Security
Minor: Political Science
Currently: Analyst with a Private Contractor in Washington D.C.
High Impact Programs: MUN, MAC, Intern in the Office of Mayor O'Brien, Study Abroad Italy, Study Abroad Morocco, Director of ItalyMUN, Washington Internship Institute

Mackenzie Smillie - Class of 2019
Major: Political Science & Nat'l Security
Currently: MS Program in Homeland Security at the University of New Haven
Formerly: Intern with Congresswoman Elisabeth Esty
High Impact Programs: SURF, MUN, MAC, Study Abroad France, Washington Internship Institute

Amanda Nash - Class of 2017
Major: National Security
Current Job: Officer in the U.S. Army
Soon: Enrolling in the Masters in International Affairs program at American University
High Impact Programs: MUN

Ryan Dougherty - Class of 2019
Major: Political Science
Current job: Sustainability Assistant Project Manager at Sandy Hook Promise
High Impact Programs: MUN, MAC, Interned at the Connecticut State Legislature

Cindy Zhunio - Class of 2019
Major: Political Science
Currently on a Community Fellowship at the Immigrant Justice Corps
Next up: CUNY Law School
High Impact Programs: MUN, Study Abroad Prato

Laura Fruzzetti - Class of 2018
Major: Criminal Justice
Current job: Premiere Account Analyst, Granite Communications
High Impact Programs: MUN

Jared Bowman - Class of 2020
Major: Political Science & National Security
Currently: MS Program in National Security at the University of New Haven
High Impact Programs: MUN, SURF, WII, PSSS

Douglas Gordon - Class of 2021
Major: International Affairs
Current job: Office Manager's/Federal Affairs Assistant at the Normandy Group in D.C.
High Impact Programs: MUN, MAC, Study Abroad France, Washington Internship Institute, Connecticut Legislative Internship Program, Honor's Program

Anthony Imperato - Class of 2020
Major: National Security
Currently: Research Intern at the American Foreign Policy Council
High Impact Programs: MUN, Washington Internship Institute, Intern in the Office of Vice-President Michael Pence

Lexi Dorotinsky - Class of 2021
Major: Political Science
Staff Assistant for U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen
High Impact Programs: MUN, Study Abroad France

Shivani Patel - Class of 2021
Major: Criminal Justice
Current Job: Americorps - Victims Advocate at the Bridges Domestic and Sexual Violence Center
High Impact Programs: MUN

Keyri Ambrocio - Class of 2021
Major: International Affairs
Current Job: Public Policy & Strategic Communications Specialist at the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce
High Impact Programs: MUN, MAC, Study Abroad France, Washington Internship Institute, Connecticut Legislative Internship Program,

Jessica Chambal - Class of 2021
Major: National Security
Current Job: Global Security Operations Analyst for Securitas and Alexxion Pharmaceuticals
High Impact Programs: MUN, Study Abroad France

April Bowen - Class of 2021
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Current Job: Aeronautical Engineer at Sikorsky Aircraft
High Impact Programs: MUN

Isabelle Lupinacci - Class of 2021
Major: National Security
Current Job: DCCC
High Impact Programs: MUN, MAC, Study Abroad Thailand

Killian Gruber - Class of 2022
Major: Political Science
Current Job: Assistant to the Mayor of West Haven
High Impact Programs: MUN, MAC

Chris Fogarty - Class of 2021
Major: Criminal Justice
Currently: Master's Program in International and National Security at American University
High Impact Programs: MUN

Marissa Lehner - Class of 2021
Major: National Security
Currently: Masters Program in Int'l Peace and Conflict Resolution at American University
High Impact Programs: MUN

Chris Matkowski - Class of 2022
Major: National Security
Currently: Master's Program in Security Studies at Georgetown University
High Impact Programs: MUN

Annika Kotch - Class of 2022
Major: National Security
Currently: Masters Program in Applied Intelligence at Georgetown University
High Impact Programs: MUN

Alissa Davies - Class of 2022
Major: Forensic Psychology
Currently: Master's Program in Int'l Disaster Psychology at the University of Denver
High Impact Programs: MUN

Rachel Clavette - Class of 2021
Major: National Security
Currently: Masters Program in European and Eurasian Studies at George Washington University
High Impact Programs: MUN, Study Abroad Prato, Model G20

Sanduni Muhandiramge - Class of 2022
Major: National Security
Current Job: Event Coordinator at the University of New Haven Admission Department
High Impact Programs: MUN, Model G20